(2021) Reengagements with built colonial heritage in India, perceived from French and Danish margins. Online article in Perspectives on Architectural Preservation, part 2, for the Colonial Architecture Project. |
(2021) A Post/Colonial Lieu de mémoire in India: Commemorative Practices Surrounding Puducherry’s French War Memorial, History and Memory vol. 33, no. 1, 34-72. |
(2020) Det begyndte i Tranquebar: Luthersk mission i en fjern tropekoloni. Noter vol. 225. Tema: Tranquebar, 16-21. |
(2020) Arven efter den danske kolonitid i Tranquebar. Noter vol. 225. Tema: Tranquebar, 36-39. |
(2019) Postcolonial perspectives on colonial heritage tourism: The domestic tourist consumption of French Heritage in Puducherry, India. Annals of Tourism Research 77, 117-127. |
(2018) Between marginality and universality: Present tensions and paradoxes in French colonial cultural heritage, civilizing mission, and citizenship in Puducherry, India. Heritage and Society 10: 1, 45-67. |
(2017) Catherine Worlée: The Princess from Tranquebar, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 20-21. |
(2017) The Past in the Present of 1845: The European Residences and the ‘Black Town’, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 22-23. |
(2017) The hardships of Linguist Rasmus Rask, in The Governor’s Residence in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 28-29. |
(2017) Embroiled in the Anglo-Mysore Wars: Porto Novo Sacked by Hyder Ali’s troops, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 34-35. |
(2017) Caste Conflicts in Tranquebar: A Clash Between New and Old Elites, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 57-58. |
(2017) Peter Anker: Governor in Times of Intrigue, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 98-99. |
(2017) Furniture: A Material Expression Cultural Encounters, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 160-161. |
(2017) Tea: Spreading New Patterns of Consumption and Socialising, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, pp. 176-178. |
(2017) Modern Tranquebar, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 260-261. |
(2017) Heritage and Tourism Development in Tranquebar, in The Governor’s Residence in Tranquebar: The House and the Daily Life of its People, 1170-1845, ed. Esther Fihl, København: Museum Tusculanum, s. 290-291.
(2017) Challenges in Preserving and Presenting Colonial French Heritage in India: The case of Puducherry, in J. R. Dos Santos (ed.) Preserving Transcultural Heritage: My Way or Your Way?, Vale de Cambra: Caleidoscópio, s. 235-241. |
(2017) Danmarks postkoloniale arv, Slagmark – Tidsskrift for Idehistorie. Særnummer: Koloniale aftryk, s. 178-181 . |
(2017) med Niels Brimes, Lokalsamfundet Tranquebar 1630-1750. I Indien: Tranquebar, Serampore og Nicobarerne, red. Niels Brimnes, bd. 5 i Danmark og kolonierne, København: Gad, s. 114-163. |
(2017) med Niels Brimes,Tranquebar under forandring 1750-1808. I Indien: Tranquebar, Serampore og Nicobarerne, red. Niels Brimnes, bd. 5 i Danmark og kolonierne, København: Gad, s. 210-245. |
(2017) med Niels Brimes, Tranquebar i britisk Indien 1808-1845. I Indien: Tranquebar, Serampore og Nicobarerne, red. Niels Brimnes, bd. 5 i Danmark og kolonierne, København: Gad, s. 276-297. |
(2017) Dansk-indiske forbindelser efter 1845. I Indien: Tranquebar, Serampore og Nicobarerne, red. Niels Brimnes, bd. 5 i Danmark og kolonierne, København: Gad, s. 358-387.
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